Peter Digglewink, 58

     Famed attorney and part-time veterinarian Peter Digglewink died this week after an extended battle with life. He was 58. Digglewink was born in Brooklyn, NY and attended Harvard University and Yale Law School. He rose to prominence as a trial lawyer in Washington, DC in the 1980’s and was a strong and vocal proponent of the abolition of slavery, undeterred by confederate forces or by the fact slavery was abolished nearly ninety years before his birth. In 1990, he teamed with former federal prosecutor Ferdinand Smith to establish Digglewink and Smith LLP, which grew to become one of the nation’s preeminent law firms and cage-free chicken farms. In 2002, the New York Times named him Best Lawyer in the United States, albeit in an advertisement he paid to have run in the New York Times. In 2012, he was the Republican Party’s nominee for President, but was defeated in the general election by President Obama and common sense. He died as he lived: strangely. He is survived by his cats and a mournful nation. He is also survived by…himself.

     What’s that, you ask? He is alive? Oh yes, my friends. I am. I am alive and well and will soon return to blogging in this space. I will now drop the proverbial mic.

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